Double Edge is a cultural cooperative and ensemble collective — a place of nurturing and sanctuary.

Like the water that runs around and through the land it occupies, Double Edge is a river for artists who thirst. From all ancestral legacies, cultural backgrounds, community contexts, & walks-of-life.

Artists, educators, and scholars often come here to identify more clearly, to understand themselves, and to seek where their courage will allow them to go. Double Edge protects the silence of their internal space, while simultaneously ensuring that no one is silenced. They fuse the highest caliber of artistic work, a deep love of the natural environment, and an unwavering faith in human potential. They value awareness of the earth around us as essential to the ability to invent, cultivate, witness — and to share a communal meal, or fruit from the trees, or an intimate conversation. Double Edge is a place of demand, deep research, and development outside the rigid structures of institution, academia, and form. It is a place of continuous experimentation and necessary risk-taking.

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